Your Contribution Helps Build Black Wealth Across the South
Kindred Futures is seeking mission-aligned long-term funding partners, sponsors, donors and investors who care about building community wealth and helping to ensure the economic well-being of our most disenfranchised families and communities.
What our supporters are saying:
“This is an organization that is deeply, deeply passionate and intentional about using data and research to inform the strategies that they're putting to work.”
"Our collective staying power with AWBI lies in its ability to deliver results, and to believe in, build and invest in nurturing partnerships with the community and at the institutional level. They know that this work cannot be done in a silo of its own excellence, and they do not exist to do this work for community; they know that it is not sustainable without community.”
“We decided to invest in Kindred Futures (formerly Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative) because we believed in the mission and the vision of the organization and the leaders’ capacity to do research, to build movements and to create collaborative partnerships around a shared agenda of building Black wealth; but also, to create a collective impact initiative in Atlanta to help address some of the systemic barriers.”
Your donation will help:
- Fund critical research to identify barriers and solutions for building Black wealth, like our “Building a Beloved Economy” and “Standing on Business Brief” that ultimately leverages your dollars to marshal public and private investments to support chronically disinvested communities.
- Accelerate promising policy solutions to achieve scalable impact. We are co-leading a coalition to launch a baby bonds program for children born into households with the lowest wealth.
- Support and expand a dynamic coalition of Black Community Wealth Network, connecting over 40 organizations that are advancing a shared results agenda to bolster collective Black wealth across the South. Bolster capacity for Business Serving Organizations (BSOs) to enhance support for small businesses through technical assistance and building operational infrastructure for businesses.
- Support shared ownership models, like employee-owned businesses, to create sustainable wealth for communities.
Invest in A New Future of Shared Prosperity
View our donor privacy policy here