About Us
At Kindred Futures, we acknowledge, respect and promote that RACE EXPLICIT work is NOT EXCLUSIVE.
We invest in Black Wealth Solution Providers in the South, redefining wealth so that Black people have the opportunity to contribute to and accelerate a just and inclusive economy. That is our promise. We are connected and committed to new models of abundance because we know that investing in people pushed to the economic fringes, results in a thriving economy for all!

A Network of Mutuality
To activate shared prosperity for Black people through impactful solutions, movement building, and catalytic capital.
A Dream of New Futures
All Black people have the opportunity to thrive in just and inclusive economies.
What is Kindred Futures?
Our Approach
Kindred Futures activates shared prosperity for Black people through impactful solutions, movement building and catalytic capital. Our work is grounded in community, committed to actionable strategies, and leads with solutions. We represent a broader ecosystem of organizers, scholars, practitioners, investors, and civic leaders. Our BUILD, LEAD, INVEST model is designed to support Black communities to drive immediate and lasting wealth-building transformations across the South.

Report and Document Archive
From Our Supporters

“Our collective staying power with Kindred Futures lies in its ability to deliver results, believe in, build, and invest in nurturing partnerships with the community and at the institutional level. They know that this work cannot be done in a silo of its own excellence, and they do not exist to do this work for the community; they know that it is not sustainable without community.”
– Scot Spencer, Associate Director, Local Policy,The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Our Values
Justice (+Inclusion)
We define, design and implement inclusive and equitable strategies that promote freedom.
Impact (+Innovation)
We cultivate and ignite data-driven, insightful, and imaginative solutions that endure.
Joy (+Love)
We cultivate and celebrate environments that radiate positivity, love and fulfillment.
Sustainability (+Integrity)
We steward solutions founded on social, economic, and environmental longevity.
Courage (+Commitment)
We are unwavering in our mission to help the most deeply impacted and underserved communities.
Community (+Collaboration)
We activate our work through a community of mission-aligned organizations and people.

Our History
A Dream of New Futures
In response to the continuing crisis of inequity confronting Atlanta, the Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative, The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Atlanta Civic Site and The Kendeda Fund funded Prosperity Now to convene a Community of Practice (CoP) tasked with shaping recommendations for a more network of partners that are vested in tackling the racial wealth divide. After exploring the data and identifying challenges, the CoP identified the need for a deliberate, equitable strategy marked by jobs, innovation, renewed resolve, and new economic structures.The CoP proposed a leading recommendation, the need to create an organization that sat at the intersection of racial and economic justice, focused on a community wealth building agenda.
In the fall of 2017, Tené Traylor, representing the Kendeda Fund and Janelle Williams, PhD the Annie E. Casey Foundation, in concert with founding board members, launched the Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative (AWBI). These co-founders were committed to implementing stakeholders recommendation to create an independent entity charged with promoting the application of f community wealth building models and elevating the engagement, capacity, investment and leadership necessary to shape a new economic narrative in Atlanta. This marked the beginning of a dynamic journey to anchor the Black wealth building agenda across the American South.

Our work calls us to marry courage with impact. Will you join us? Donate today to realize the vision of shared prosperity!